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Mr. G (75, male) a member of the family, progressed in age and an former worker in the car industry.  He is very strong built and despite being a smoker all his life and having a favor for Martinis he is still enjoying good health with over 80 now.


One  September afternoon 2006 he had paved the driveway of his house in a little town in northern Ohio.  

The evening before he was out with friends and had ad a couple Martinis  too many.

Afterwards he felt dizzy and fatigued – what would not have been surprising for a man his age that already had a bypass surgery. However the symptoms endured and even grew serious over the next 3 weeks.  Mr F did not walk anymore , he did not ride his car and visit friends like it was his habit – he slept 3 times a day and  spent his afternoons and nights  in bed, he ate very  small meals if at all – it was as if somebody had turned of the power supply.


  • Severe dizziness & vertigo,

  • Sometimes nausea since more than 3 weeks.

  • Severe fatigue.

  • Loss of appetite

  • Sudden onset of the symptoms.

I diagnosed that Mr. F was stuck a virus infection that couldn’t quit runs its course. The overindulgence of alcohol contributed (by producing “heat” and “phlegm” in the body) The combination of both caused the quite severe symptoms.

I visited his house. We did a short session with sweeping success.  Mr.F got up, ate the biggest meal since months and gave us a ride to the airport the morning after.



Mrs. C (59, 1 daughter)


…has immigrated to the US from German speaking part of Europe in her 20ties being born into a wealthy family. She a had a complicated relation ship with a man and had a daughter with him.

Mrs. B was a psychotherapist. She worked 3 days a week, being wealthy.

  • She has had headaches since over 23 years.

  • Those headaches occurred at least once a month and were very strong. She would experience bursting pain in the temples and /or top of the head that radiated to the eyes.

  • The headaches often caused and nausea and emesis.

  • The tongue was slightly red, swollen and chopped  and showed a deep center crack. The coating was sticky and dirty white.

  • Pulse: Wiry and slippery.

My diagnosis: Rising Liver Yang and Phlegm.

10 sessions.

After ten sessions the headaches had disappeared. She came back 11 years later for a different issue and the headaches have never come back.

Mrs BH (37)

…came to us after she had wanted to get pregnant for more than fife years.

She also had tried a a treatment with a renown French Chinese Medicine Herbalist and fertility specialist.

She had been a vegetarian until 3 years ago and was anemic. She now ate meat in moderate amounts and her blood level was remarkably higher.

I checked on Mrs BH’s old and new BBT charts and looked into the diagnosis and prescriptions of the French colleague that has treated her for more than 3 years. I found that he missed a slight deviation in the Basic Body Temperature chart, that indicated in my opinion not only a Kidney Yin and Blood deficiency, but also a slight lack of Yang, as was in my opinion confirmed by the blood deficiency.

I work accordingly to my diagnosis with acupuncture accompanying the menstrual cycle and herbal prescription. I encouraged her to eat meat and meet broth to nourish the blood. After ten sessions in 8 month she was pregnant. 

I accompanied her pregnancy with several acupuncture sessions.

Forty weeks later she delivered a healthy and strong girl. 

One years later she was pregnant again with no effort and soon had a second child.

Mrs K (63)

…was an avid gardener with white curly hair and a former University teacher. She looked strong and purposeful with a healthy figure - definitely a hard worker.

Mrs K complained about loose stools and diarrhea with increasing frequency. She usually defecated right after waking up in the morning and about 20 times over the day. Surprisingly she never experienced any painful urgency.

She experienced however a certain down bearing sensation in her lower abdomen.

Her tongue was pale and swollen. The pulse was slow and deep. 

I diagnosed Kidney and Spleen Yang deficiency and treated her with acupuncture and a herbal prescription to lift the Qi and stop “leaking”. A fortnight later her digestion had normalized.

Against my suggestion she did not continue the therapy.

She came however back months later and had uterine prolapse - in Chinese medicine this confirmed the diagnosis…

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