I am a therapist for Chinese Medicine in Ann Arbor/MI. As a main subject I practice acupuncture. I usually combine acupuncture with Chinese Herbal Medicine to increase the range and efficiency of the therapy. A combination of acupuncture and Chinese herbs makes the therapy of chronic and systematic progressing conditions possible, which are more stubborn; for example progressed endometriosis, several skin disorders or chronic diarrhea.
My session usually last 90 Minutes. They usually start with an update after an initial diagnosis and I adjust my acupuncture prescription accordingly. (I keep for every single patient a Patient report.)
Every session includes a massage in prone position.
My education:
- 1985 - 1992 University of Hamburg; M.A. German Language and Literature;
- Work as a Socialworker with Young adults and children.
“1995-1997: Education in GermanyHeilpraktiker” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heilpraktiker) in Hamburg/Germany. Graduation November 12. 1997.
Private Education with Stefan Penns, a renown Chinese Medicine Practitioner and Infertility specialist in Hamburg.
Private training with Ko Myong, and acupuncture therapist from Seoul/Korea. Ko Myong is also known as a Hap Ki Do master. He is a Zen Monk.
December 1996-January 1997: Internship with Prof. Dr. Anton Jayasurya* at the International College of Acupuncture in Colombo/Sri Lanka. Graduation and Certification (recognized by the Health Administration of the PR China).
2000 - 2002: Education at the NJUCM (Nanjing/Jiangsu University of Chinese
Medicine; http://english.njucm.edu.cn/) in Nanjing China as Foreign student
under the tutelage of the WHO (World Health Organisation) and continued
internship with Dr. Tao, Kun of the Qin Huai hospital in Nanjing.
NJUCM is one of the foremost Colleges for TCM in the
Since 1999 advanced education with internationally renown teachers like Giovanni Maciocia, Barbara Kirschbaum, Julien Scott, Dianne O’Collony, Ni Maoshing, Robert Chu, Diane Lyttleton, Jeffrey Yuen in Germany, USA and UK.
As one of the few autodidactic educated TCM practitioners in Michigan and the USA I was recently- after years of efforts and struggle - informed by the chair of the MAAOM [Michigan Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine] that I will be admitted to the National Examination of the NCCAOM [National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine] to give proof to my knowledge. It will be my great pleasure to do so!